Promised Pastor
"I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you this
testimony for the churches." - Rev
Jesus came to the world according
to the prophecy of the Old Testament. Jesus fulfilled all prophecies in the Old
Testament, and he promised to send another Counselor to us. At the First Coming,
God dwelt in Jesus, because Jesus came in the name of God (Jn 5:43). When the
prophecies of New Testament fulfilled, there would be a pastor who will be with
the Counselor, Holy Spirit, in the name of the Jesus. (Counselor, the Holy
Spirit, whom the father will send in my name - Jn14:26, He will bring glory to
me by taking from what is mine and making it known to you - Jn 16:13-15)
At the time of the First Coming,
Jesus said "I am the living bread that came down from heaven. If anyone
eats of this bread, he will live forever."(Jn 6:51) What is the meaning of
the living bread? It means the Word that Jews have to eat in that time, the
food at the proper time. Same as the First Coming, in the Second Coming, the
promised pastor has the food at the proper time. Jesus gave the food to him
because he is the one who overcame. (the food : the fruit of the tree of life,
hidden manna - Rev2:) He will give the food to people who believe the God and
The common thing between Jesus and
the promised pastor is that they are the one who overcame. Jesus already had
overcome the world, and the promised pastor also had overcome the group of
dragon(Rev 12:10-11). At Deuteronomy Chapter 28, the one who overcome makes
12tribes like Jacob, so Jesus made 12 disciples. In the same way, the promised
pastor in New Testament created 12 tribes, and this is the Shin Cheon Ji. It
also promised at the Revelation Chapter 7. Creating 12 tribes is the proof of
the one who overcame.
We pray for you to know the truth, and be together in heaven with the true god who has written the bible.