[International] Going beyond Korea, now to America | |
Introducing the words of Shincheonji on the American broadcasting network throughout the states of America on Azteca TV | |
Posted 6/29/2012 2:53:00 PM |
Updated 2012-06-29 14:53![]() Current Christianity in Korea is being pulled by its root by the words of truth from Shincheonji. Not only that but the words of Shincheonji is without a doubt spreading rapidly throughout the world. Last January 7th, the Mexican television broadcasting network Azteca broadcasted the Shincheonji Word Seminar held in Jam-Shil in September of last year. They broadcasted 30 minutes of the lecture content spoken personally by the Chairman Man Hee Lee. The words of Shincheonji broadcasted on television through the Azteca broadcasting network shown throughout the United States of America made many realize the amazing work of Shincheonji in spreading throughout the whole world.Shincheonji expressed, “this is the work of the Holy Spirit. Starting from now there will be broadcasting of the introduction of Shincheonji aired not only in America but in Europe and other countries throughout the world.” Soon Shincheonji will widely be known universally that this is solely the place God acknowledges, the kingdom of righteousness and justice, the City of Truth. Currently, Shincheonji established 50 churches in 15 different countries, with approximately 3,000 international congregation members registered as a church member. November of last year, at the Seoul and Gyungki combined graduation, 600 international congregation members participated. This event expressed the global status of Shincheonji that surprised our surrounding neighbors. Source : http://www.scjnews.net |
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Man Hee Lee Interview - Introducing the words of shincheonji
[Shincheonji News] - NBC Introduces Instructor Man Hee Lee
NBC Introduces
Instructor Man Hee Lee
8/16/2012 11:28:00 PM | Updated 2013-02-24 PM 11:28:55
religious leader comes to Bakersfield
A controversial
religious leader came to Bakersfield on Monday.
Korean Christian
instructor Man Hee Lee was here to speak about the fulfillment of the Book of
Revelation and to what some people call the most disputed content in the
Bible about the end of time.
The ballroom at
the Double Tree Hotel was filled with more than 100 followers and local
church leaders to listen to Man Hee Lee testify on the Fulfillment of
Revelation, something that often sparks controversy.
Man Hee Lee was
born to a poor farming family of royal descent. He claims Jesus appeared to
him and anointed him.
"He says
that he has sent a angel, a messenger, to testify to the churches. And, that
is what was promised. So to the churches, Jesus sent this individual here to
testify to those very churches," said Man Hee Lee through an
Lee claims he is
the only person who saw and heard the events of Revelation and can testify to
their meanings exactly according to the Bible. His words Monday peaked the
interest of some local ministries to do further research.
important that we study this in a lot more detail. This was just an overview,
but we need to dissect it a little more and make sure it's spot on with the
Word. I feel good about it, but I want to check it out a little bit
deeper," said Lawrence Gonzales, Fresh Start Ministries.
seems to go hand in hand with many parts of the Bible and interpretations.
Another local
minister says she can see why there would be controversy with Lee's
"He is very
sure of his interpretation, and I think when there is someone who is very
sure of their interpretation, there is always somebody else who interprets it
differently," said Doris Dunham, Church of the Brethren.
wasn't Lee's first California stop on this trip. He spoke at the Crystal
Cathedral in Garden Grove on Saturday, where many members were angry that he
was appearing at their venue.
Lee also spoke
in New York, Belgium and Germany.
His Tabernacle
of the Testimony, headquartered in South Korea, has 140,000 members
Lee says the
Gospel of the Kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to
all nations and then the end will come.
We spoke with
local Catholic leaders who said they did not know Lee was speaking here on
Source : http://www.scjnews.net
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
[Religion News] - Shinchonji testify : Evolutionism or Creationism?
< Religion News - 6 >
By Katherine Weber,
Christian Post Reporter
July 23, 2013|7:34 pm
A new poll indicates that only one in five Americans believe in evolution without the guidance of God, while a majority at 62 percent believe God played some role in human creation.
The results come from a recent YouGov poll, which was conducted among 1,000 participants in the U.S. from July 8 to 9 and questioned peoples' views on the origins of humans.
The poll asked the question "Which of the following statements comes closest to your views on the origin of human beings," with 21 percent answering "Human beings evolved from less advanced life forms over millions of years, and God did not directly guide this process."
A total of 62 percent answered that God had a hand in human creation, with only 27 percent saying "Human [beings] evolved from less advanced life forms over millions of years, but God guided this process."
In addition, 55 percent said, "God created human beings in their present form within the last ten thousand years."
A total of 17 percent of participants said they were unsure of the origins of man.
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The YouGov poll says that although these results indicate a small portion of the American population believing in pure, godless evolution, they actually show a spike in pure evolutionists, compared to a poll taken in 2004.
The same question was asked by a CBS poll in 2004 and found that only 13 percent believe in total evolution without God; when the question was asked again in 2008, the number rose to 15 percent, and as seen by the most recent findings, the number has now risen to 21 percent.
YouGov said in a press release that the number of Americans believing wholly in evolution without the influence of God may increase in the coming years, if the trend from 2004 to 2013 continues.
"This number may continue to increase in the coming years, as the belief in evolution without the influence of God is most common among those 18-29 years old, with 31% of those in that age group believing it," the U.K.-based market research firm said in the press release.
The recent YouGov poll also asked Americans what they thought about the teaching of creationism in public schools, with 40 percent saying they favor the teaching of creationism and intelligent design, and 32 percent saying they oppose it; 29 percent said they are not sure.
Of those results, 57 percent of Republicans favor the teaching of creationism, compared to only 30 percent of Democrats; only five percent of Republicans believe God played no role in human creation or evolution.
YouGov, an internet-based, international market research firm founded in the U.K., conducted the survey among a "representative sample of 1,000 Americans" earlier in July.
Read more at http://global.christianpost.com/news/only-1-in-5-americans-believe-in-complete-evolution-without-god-new-poll-100727/#dPgQwsWQeyRVLwyA.99
Which one is the truth, Evolutionism or creationism? Scientists and Christians have argued continuously about this controversy. We cannot ignore these two theories easily. If you realize the real truth, you can find out the answer that can lead you to the right way.
God had hidden the truth, the secrets of the Bible, through the parables, and the meaning of the creation of heaven and earth is not an exception. The contents of Genesis are in parables, so it has deeper meaning that we should understand. The creation of heaven and earth is the re-creation of new heaven and earth, and it is the spiritual meaning.
It is time to realize the true meaning of the creation of heaven and earth. Shinchonji can explain this, so you can understand the words of God that he wanted to tell us. Come and listen to the word of God in Shinchonji.
Belief in Shinchonji, belief in God! That comes from only through the bible. Please come and see what is the truth and the belief God wants from us.
Only 1 in 5 Americans Believe in
Complete Evolution Without God -
New Poll
![]() |
A woman walks beside
an exhibit displaying the evolution of humans, at the Darwin's Evolution
in the Calouste Gulbenkina Foundation in Lisbon February 12, 2009.
July 23, 2013|7:34 pm
A new poll indicates that only one in five Americans believe in evolution without the guidance of God, while a majority at 62 percent believe God played some role in human creation.
The results come from a recent YouGov poll, which was conducted among 1,000 participants in the U.S. from July 8 to 9 and questioned peoples' views on the origins of humans.
The poll asked the question "Which of the following statements comes closest to your views on the origin of human beings," with 21 percent answering "Human beings evolved from less advanced life forms over millions of years, and God did not directly guide this process."
A total of 62 percent answered that God had a hand in human creation, with only 27 percent saying "Human [beings] evolved from less advanced life forms over millions of years, but God guided this process."
In addition, 55 percent said, "God created human beings in their present form within the last ten thousand years."
A total of 17 percent of participants said they were unsure of the origins of man.
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The YouGov poll says that although these results indicate a small portion of the American population believing in pure, godless evolution, they actually show a spike in pure evolutionists, compared to a poll taken in 2004.
The same question was asked by a CBS poll in 2004 and found that only 13 percent believe in total evolution without God; when the question was asked again in 2008, the number rose to 15 percent, and as seen by the most recent findings, the number has now risen to 21 percent.
YouGov said in a press release that the number of Americans believing wholly in evolution without the influence of God may increase in the coming years, if the trend from 2004 to 2013 continues.
"This number may continue to increase in the coming years, as the belief in evolution without the influence of God is most common among those 18-29 years old, with 31% of those in that age group believing it," the U.K.-based market research firm said in the press release.
The recent YouGov poll also asked Americans what they thought about the teaching of creationism in public schools, with 40 percent saying they favor the teaching of creationism and intelligent design, and 32 percent saying they oppose it; 29 percent said they are not sure.
Of those results, 57 percent of Republicans favor the teaching of creationism, compared to only 30 percent of Democrats; only five percent of Republicans believe God played no role in human creation or evolution.
YouGov, an internet-based, international market research firm founded in the U.K., conducted the survey among a "representative sample of 1,000 Americans" earlier in July.
Read more at http://global.christianpost.com/news/only-1-in-5-americans-believe-in-complete-evolution-without-god-new-poll-100727/#dPgQwsWQeyRVLwyA.99
Which one is the truth, Evolutionism or creationism? Scientists and Christians have argued continuously about this controversy. We cannot ignore these two theories easily. If you realize the real truth, you can find out the answer that can lead you to the right way.
God had hidden the truth, the secrets of the Bible, through the parables, and the meaning of the creation of heaven and earth is not an exception. The contents of Genesis are in parables, so it has deeper meaning that we should understand. The creation of heaven and earth is the re-creation of new heaven and earth, and it is the spiritual meaning.
It is time to realize the true meaning of the creation of heaven and earth. Shinchonji can explain this, so you can understand the words of God that he wanted to tell us. Come and listen to the word of God in Shinchonji.
Belief in Shinchonji, belief in God! That comes from only through the bible. Please come and see what is the truth and the belief God wants from us.
Monday, July 22, 2013
[Man Hee Lee Quotes] - Let us be a Walking Bible
< Man Hee Lee Quote - 10 >
Let us be a Walking Bible
We should not only believe God
but perfectly be created by the word of God.
Our Father, God, is the word,
so we should be the word.
If we are born with God's seed,
we should be the Bible entirely.
Let us be a walking Bible.
Man Hee Lee
Sunday, July 21, 2013
[Shincheonji testify] : Bible Comprehension through Shincheonji - Parable of SEED
Parable of the SEED
* Mt 13: 31-32
He told them another parable: “The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed, which a man took and planted in his field. Though it is the smallest of all seeds, yet when it grows, it is the largest of garden
plants and becomes a tree, so that the birds come and perch in its branches.”
When Jesus came
to the world at the time of the First Coming, he said about the heaven in
parables. At Mt 13: 31-32, Jesus told one of parables about heaven.
What is the seed
that makes up the kingdom of heaven? Jesus did not want to tell about the
physical seed. The meaning that Jesus wanted to say is the spiritual seed. The
spiritual seed is a word of the spirit (Lk 8:11).
While a lot of physical
seeds exist in this world, there are only two kinds of spiritual seeds. Because
the spiritual world divided two worlds, the spiritual seed divided two kinds of
seeds, God’s seed and Satan’s seed. God’s seed is the word of God, and Satan’s
seed is lie.
Then, why Jesus
describes the word as the seed? The reason is that the characteristics of the
physical seed are similar to the spiritual seed. Seed has life, and it is the
origin of the all living creatures. The word has the same characteristic just
like the physical seed.
If we want to be
children of God, we should be born with the God’s seed because God gave birth
to people with the word of God, the spiritual seed (Jn 3: 6).
However, the
serious problem we should remind is the existence of Satan’s seed. If we are
born with the Satan’s seed, we cannot enter the kingdom of the heaven.
Therefore, we should know the realities of Satan’s seed exactly.
everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of the heaven,
but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. – Mt 7:21
We usually claim
that we are believers, and we are the children of God. Even though we insist that
we are the children of God, we cannot be son of God if we are not born with the
God’s seed.
Therefore, we
should check out ourselves whether we are born with God’s seed or not. Then, we
can attain the right which we can enter the kingdom of heaven if we are born
with God’s seed.
Then, where is
the place that the word of Satan, Satan’s seed, sowed? Let us check out more
about it next time.
Thursday, July 18, 2013
Religion News 5 - Audio Version of Bible Now Available in 733 Languages
Audio Version of Bible Now Available in 733 Languages
July 13, 2013|12:58 pm

New Mexico-based ministry has added eight more languages to its Scripture recordings, which are now available in 733 languages with the potential of reaching three-quarters of the world's population with the Gospel. The ministry offers free access to its digital resources.
"Whether it be through resources, technology, our talented and dedicated staff, or ministry partners from all over the world, God's provision continues to make our work possible," said Jerry Jackson, founder and president of Faith Comes By Hearing, in a statement announcing the newest additions.
The new languages include Awajun from Peru; Canela from Brazil; Chadian Arabic and Kenga from Chad; Tharaka from Kenya; Toura from Cote d'Ivoire; and the Copala dialect (part of the Trique dialects) and Yatzachi dialect (of the Zapoteco dialects) from Mexico.
Chadian Arabic is the largest people group from these new releases, while the smallest is Canela, spoken primarily in Brazil, the ministry said. The new releases represent more than 1.4 million people who now have God's Word in audio available in their heart language.
The 733 languages collectively represent a potential outreach to more than 5.7 billion people in more than 189 different countries.
Faith Comes By Hearing offers free access to its digital collection of Scripture via streaming, downloads, and podcasts. The ministry has also developed apps, like Bible.is and Deaf Bible.is.
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To reach out to those who do not have regular access to the Internet or mobile devices, the FCBH provides audio versions of New Testaments via its 330,000 solar-powered proclaimers.
The FCBH seeks to help fulfill the Great Commission in this generation by providing access to the Word of God in every translated language. Its mission is to "record and use heart-language Audio Bibles to bring His church together and make disciples from every nation, tribe, language, and people."
The audio version of the Bible is significant because 50 percent of the world's population is illiterate, the ministry says. "A vast majority of people living in underdeveloped countries cannot read the Word of God, even when it is translated in their own language … The easy accessibility of our Audio Bibles makes them an effective tool in spreading the Word to every person around the world who wants or needs to hear about God's Love.
Read more at http://www.christianpost.com/news/audio-version-of-bible-now-available-in-733-languages-99989/#PD6xGOd8i0lVy88u.99
The audio version of the Bible will be helpful for people who do not easily access to the Bible. They can hear the words of the Bible easily, and they can accept the words of God more through this version. As the Bible translated into all languages in the world, I hope people in the world would realize the true meaning of the Bible and believe it to enter the kingdom of heaven.
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
Man Hee Lee Peace Leader : [Man Hee Lee Quotes] - As a flower blooms toward the heaven....
< Man Hee Lee Quote - 9 >
As a flower blooms toward the heaven
As a flower blooms toward the heaven,
All creatures in the world,
Their heads are heading to heaven.
Moreover, the lord of creation, human,
Should honor God more and more.
Man Hee Lee
Monday, July 15, 2013
Shincheonji Truth : [Bible Comprehension through Shincheonji] - The God's World and the Satan's World
< The God’s World
and the Satan’s World >
God is
the creator who creates everything in the world. God created both spiritual
world and physical world. Physical world was made after spiritual world was
made. God and so many angels are in the spiritual world, and God created many
angels to fulfill his purpose.
* Praise the
Lord, you his angels, you might ones who do his bidding,
will obey his word. Praise the Lord, all his
heavenly hosts, you his servants who do his will.
Praise the Lord, all his works everywhere in his dominion. Praise the Lord, O
my soul. - Ps 103: 20-22
* Are not all
angels ministering spirits sent to serve those
who will inherit salvation? -
Heb 1:14
* Then I looked
and heard the voice of many angels, numbering thousands
upon thousands, and ten thousand times ten thousand. They encircled the
throne and the living creatures and the elders. - Rev 5:11
* A river of
fire was flowing, coming out from before him. Thousands upon thousands attended
Him; ten thousand times ten thousand stood
before him. - Da 7:10
was a peaceful world that God and angels live together. However, there was an
angel who broke the peaceful world. The angel was so intelligent and beautiful,
so God and many angels loved him. Then, he was so proud of himself, so he
wanted to be like God. He betrayed God, and God expelled this sinned angel to
the hell. We called this angel, Satan. Satan did not go alone, and he gathered
his side. Then, he made his own world, Satan’s world. Therefore, the Spiritual
World divided two parts.
* How you have
fallen from heaven, O morning star, son of the
dawn? You have been cast down to the earth, you who once laid low the nations!
You said in your heart, “I will ascend to heaven; I will raise my throne above the stars of God; I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly, on the utmost
heights of the sacred mountain. I will make myself like
the most High.” But you are brought down to the grave,
to the depths of the pit.- Isa
* For if God did not spare angels when they sinned, but sent them to hell, putting them into gloomy dungeons to be held for judgment; - 2pe 2:4
* For if God did not spare angels when they sinned, but sent them to hell, putting them into gloomy dungeons to be held for judgment; - 2pe 2:4
* And the angels
who did not keep their positions of authority but abandoned
their own home – these he has kept in darkness,
bound with everlasting chains for judgment on the great Day - Jude 1:6
* The number of the mounted troops was two hundred million. I heard their number. - Rev 9:16
* The number of the mounted troops was two hundred million. I heard their number. - Rev 9:16
The work of
Satan is disturbing the God’s will. They have deceived the whole world by their words, lie.
* And there was
war in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon
and his angels fought back. But he was not strong enough, and they lost their
place in heaven. The great dragon was hurled down - that ancient serpent called
the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray.
He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him. - Rev 12:7-9
spirits work with the physical. Therefore, The God’s side and Satan’s
side try to make their side in the physical world. Unfortunately, the main working
place of Satan is CHURCH!!
* He will oppose
and will exalt himself over everything that is called God or is worshiped, so
that he sets himself up in God’s temple,
proclaiming himself to be God - 2Te 2:4
* For such men
are false apostles, deceitful workmen, masquerading as apostles of Christ. And no wonder, for
Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light - 2Co 11:11-13
how can we distinguish the spirit? We cannot
see the spirit, so we cannot recognize who is the God’s pastor or not. However,
we can notice pastors by their words.
* Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God,
because many false prophets are have gone out into the world.
They are from the world and therefore speak from the viewpoint of the world, and the world
listens to them. We are from God, and whoever knows God listens to us; but whoever is not from God does not listen to us. This is
how we recognize the Spirit of truth and the spirit of falsehood. - 1Jn 4:1, 5-6
The pastor who belongs to the God will say the words of truth. Because he is always with the
Holy Spirit, he can preach the truth.
* Sanctify them
by the truth; your word is truth. - Jn 17:17
* For the one
whom God has sent speaks the words of God, for God gives
the Spirit without limit. - Jn 3:34
However, the
pastor of Satan cannot be with the Holy Spirit, so he cannot understand the
true meaning of the Bible. Then, he speaks lie.
He speaks the word of Bible, but he mixed the word with his own thinking or
other stories from outside of the Bible.
Therefore, all
we have to do is to know the Bible correctly,
and that should be a base of our life of faith. Then, we can distinguish the
spirit whether the pastor belongs to the God or Satan, according to the Bible.
As we are the
believers, we should follow the God’s word. Also, we should listen to the word
of God, and we need to find out the God’s pastor who is always with the Holy
Let us
be a wise believer who can distinguish the spirit according to the Bible.
Thursday, July 11, 2013
Religion News 4 - Alabama Preacher Becomes Pastor of First Missionary Baptist Church at 19 Years Old
< Religion News - 4 >
Alabama Preacher Becomes Pastor of First Missionary Baptist Church at 19 Years Old
Courtney Meadows, Preaching Since the Age of Six, Believes He's Been 'Called' by God to Ministry
By Nicola Menzie,
Christian Post Reporter
July 9, 2013/1:53 pm
Courtney Meadows, 19, was installed as pastor of First Missionary
Baptist Church in White Hall, Ala., on Sunday, June 30,
Courtney Meadows, currently 19 and preaching since the age of six, was finally able to answer his calling when he was installed as pastor of First Missionary Baptist Church in White Hall, Ala., during a recent and well-attended Sunday service.
"I can honestly say, there has never been a time when I couldn't imagine myself preaching," Meadows told the Montgomery Advertiser. "I always make this statement: If I'm not preaching, life is not worth living for me, because I know that's what I've been called to do."
Meadows couldn't help but smile, and the congregation laugh with him, when the presiding bishop mentioned during his installation service the New Testament requirement for a church leader to be the husband of one wife and manage his children — "when the time comes," the bishop added.
Despite his age, the 19-year-old minister has been described as an "old soul" for his spiritual insight, a "blessing" and an "exceptional leader." Meadows, according to his mother, started asking questions about God when he was three years old, preached his first sermon at the age of six, became a licensed minister at age nine, and was finally ordained when he turned 18.
"highly requested and gifted preacher and speaker," as noted on his website,
will have his mother become acting first lady of First Missionary Baptist
Church. She told the local paper, "He's always been an extraordinary
child. Just different. He really loved to go to church and worship God."
Rev. L.L. Brown Sr., who has led the White Hall church for more than 40 years,
said of Meadows, "I've met a lot of preachers, but he stands out to
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thank God for this young man," the reverend added.Follow us
Meadows' mentor and pastor of the past seven years, the Rev. Ezekiel Pettway Sr. of Maggie Street Missionary Baptist Church in Montgomery, called it a blessing to be "used by God at such a young age." He added that he "always knew there was greatness" in the teen minister.
The teen pastor, who has excelled at public speaking throughout his academic career, is studying marketing full time at the University of Montevallo, where he is president of the Student Government Association.
Meadows travels regularly to speak at various churches in Alabama as well as across the nation, recently making a stop at Riva Tims' Majestic Life Church in Orlando, Fla. In addition to his speaking engagements, new pastoral role and serving as leader of his university's student government, the young minister is also the National Youth Director for the The Southern Youth Leadership Development Institute.
"Although anointed by God while in the womb of his mother, Pastor Meadows affirmed his call to the Evangelistic Ministry at age six and has since devoted his life to empowering mankind through the gospel of the Kingdom of God," reads the teen's biography.
his installation ceremony, Meadows thanked the First Missionary Baptist Church
congregation for "taking a risk" on him as their new pastor. The
church's former pastor, Meadows' mentor as well as the church's board of
deacons and trustees were expected to help guide the young minister.
story might bring to mind that of another young preacher who attracted national
attention when he was featured on ABC News in 2012. Ezekiel Stoddard, 12 years
old and ordained as minister at his parents' independent Fullness of Time
Church in Capitol Heights, Md., has spoken clearly of the moment he believes he
was called by God to preach the Gospel.
I was about 7-years-old God spoke to me. He was saying, 'Son, I want you to do
my will. I want you to preach the Gospel,'" Stoddard has said.
"I can't describe what the voice sounded like but it was the voice from
God because when that Man comes by and tells you to write a sermon, an
eight-page sermon? He'll give you everything."
"Md. Boy Ordained as Pastor, Claims God Called
Him to Preach" for more about Stoddard.
One important
thing we should remind is that there is the promised pastor who preaches the
word of truth, prophecies and fulfillments in Shincheonji. This means that
Shincheonji is the right place to find out the word of truth.
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