Tuesday, November 12, 2013

[Man Hee Lee]: The Promised Pastor Who Testifies the Word of Truth

The Promised Pastor Who Testifies the Word of Truth

About 2,000 years ago, Jesus’ word of heaven that testified in the West is disseminated to the end of the East land, South Korea, through the blood of martyrs. We called this Seo - Ki- Dong - Lae(西氣東來).

Today, after Jesus came to the world, there is an only and one pastor who was promised by Jesus (Rev 22:16) and testifies the fulfillment of the whole prophecies in the New Testament which are fulfilled in Korea.

This promised pastor testifies that the last chapter of the New Testament, “Revelation” is fulfilled. He goes to the West that gave the word of heaven to the country of the East, Korea, and preached that Jesus’ promise is completely fulfilled. We called this Dong - sung - Suh - Heng (東成西行).

According to Rev 10: 8-11, John, who received the opened scroll that Jesus opened through the spirit of truth and testifies whole word of Jesus, the person who is prophesied in the Bible is Chairman Lee.
He testifies the word of truth for hours without looking at the Bible; also, there was no hesitation. Therefore, we can realize that he is the true pastor who the spirit of truth is with in today’s era.
      Many believers who came to Shincheonji Open Bible Seminar admitted that Shincheonji has the truth that no one can testify when they listened to the word of Chairman Lee. Also, when we consider tens of thousands believers who had faith of Shincheonji, it is proved that the misunderstanding of Shincheonji is resolved.

  “The days are coming,” declares the Sovereign LORD, “when I will send a famine through the land nor a famine of food or a thirst for water, but a famine of hearing the words of the LORD.” – Amos 8:11

The underlying cause of rapid decline of believer’s faith these days is they are extremely hunger for the word of truth. Believers who really wanted to realize the word of God wanted to find out the word of truth, but God did not showed the true meaning of the Bible. Therefore, they could not find out (Isa 29: 10-14, Rev 5:3-4).

Now, today is the right time that Jesus opened the seven seals, and he fulfilled the word of the Revelation. Then Chairman Lee received the word of truth to Jesus, and he is preaching the word of life to the world!

The truth exists only in Shincheonji.



Saturday, November 2, 2013

[Shincheonji Truth] : 24 Q&A - What are our sins? Why did God leave us alone to commit sin?

[24 Q&A] 7. It is said Jesus came and died to atone for our sins. What are our sins? Why did God leave us alone to commit sin?
Posted 6/16/2012 9:21:00 AM | Updated 2012-06-16 AM 9:21:01
Photo caption: May 12th, 2012, after the Open Bible Seminar in Europe, one of the ministry leaders is sincerely asking the Chairman to host an Open Bible Seminar in his country in tears.
7. It is said Jesus came and died to atone for our sins. What are our sins? Why did God leave us alone to commit sin?
     The price of sin is death (Rom 6:23). What kind of sin did we commit? Since Jesus died on behalf of us to pay the price of sin, our sins have been atoned. Is the reality of being atoned for really reflected in the way we live now? Also, why did God leave us to commit sin? You have asked good questions. If you were living right now, I would go to you right away and give you the answer. But for now, I pray and ask Jesus to help Mr. Lee, who is in Hades, come to know the true meaning of religion, repent, understand and attain salvation (1 Pt 3, 4). Jesus speaks on behalf of God and I came to speak on behalf of Jesus.
    Explanation: The Creator God does not have a genealogy. He is the only God, who is self-existent (Ex 3:14). Our sin is not keeping and obeying God’s word (covenant), but believing the words of the traitor (Gn 2:17; Gn 3), Satan (snake), who said we would be like God. The Creator, who is the Father, told his son, who is a created being, he would die if he ate the fruit of the tree (of good and evil). This is similar to a covenant God made with his son. Although they knew this (truth, fact, knowledge), their sin was the fact they believed in the words of the snake (devil), who said they would become like God if they ate the fruit. This is a spiritual sin through which they turned their backs (betrayal) against the Father. This is the sin we have committed. The Father did not leave his son alone to commit sin. The son chose to sin. In the end, the words of the serpent were lies and God’s word was the truth.
  Jesus’ blood of atonement was commemorated until the Second Coming with the bread and the wine (Mt 26), and it is effective at the Second Coming. Look at Revelation chapters 5 and 7. This is not a lie; it is the truth.

Friday, November 1, 2013

[Shincheonji Man Hee Lee]: What is Fulfillment of the East, Travels to the West?

Dong-Sung-Suh-Heng (東成西行: Fulfillment of the East, Travels to the West) and the New Acts

Main reference: Rev 22:16-17

   What does Dong-Sung-Suh-Heng (東成西行: Fulfillment of the East, Travels to the West) and the New Acts (Acts: Actions of the Apostles) mean? Dong-Sung-Suh-Heng means the fulfillment of the East making known to the West (refer to Rev 10:11). Like what was fulfilled in Heaven must be fulfilled here on earth, the New Acts is regarding the actions of the promised twelve tribes in Revelation. In Heaven there are the spirits of Jesus and the martyred twelve disciples, and on this earth there are the flesh of the one who overcomes and the twelve disciples (tribe leaders). Like the twelve disciples of heaven who testified to what will be fulfilled today in the New Testament to the ends of the earth (refer to Mt 24:14), today the New Acts is regarding making known the fulfillment of the Revelation in the New Testament which took place in the ends of the earth, the kingdom of the East, in the Republic of Korea, to the churches who are eagerly waiting for it to be fulfilled.
     As we see in the Old and the New Testament Bible, at the time of Moses, Jesus’ first coming and Revelation when the second coming takes place, the twelve tribes are created. This is created just like what one saw in heaven. Jesus who fulfilled the Old Testament also prophesied the New Testament. This prophecy was testified for over 2,000 years through the twelve disciples and other disciples who came after. God, however, sealed Revelation, a book of prophecy that will fulfill, with seven seals, and He hid it with parables. In the heavens or below the heavens there was no one to know this (Rev 5). That is why, sadly, up till today there was no one to know these words that were recorded.
     What God has not revealed till today, the pastors of Satan by their own accord say and interpret, “this is this, and that is that” This is Satan’s scheme in making people confused. This is the treatment of sowing the seed of weeds, which are lies, and also the wine of adultery that establishes relations with Satan.    

   The reason why the fulfillment of the New Testament in the East being made known to the West (Dong-Sung-Suh-Heng: Fulfillment of the East, Travels to the West) is because the work of the New Testament, the gospel of Jesus Christ, began in the West and as promised was testified to the kingdom of the East, in the Republic of Korea, and this was made known to all nations (Mt 24:14). According to the promise is has also been fulfilled in the ends of the earth, in the Republic of Korea. Since the prophecy testified from the West, Europe, has been fulfilled, we are making known the fulfillment to the West. This is to make known to the churches, which believe in the promises and are waiting, that God’s promises has been fulfilled. As this is made known they will know that God is eternally true and not a lie. The words that are being testified are the eternal gospel that people must confirm and believe to receive salvation.

      Why did God fulfill the New Testament in the kingdom of the East, in the Republic of Korea, instead of Israel, the nation of the chosen people?

     If one believes in the words that were testified by God through Jesus, then the physical Israelites did not receive God and Jesus (refer to Jn 1:1-13). Therefore, by the time of John the Baptist, Jesus put an end to physical Israel that broke the prophecies, prophets, Law and the covenant (Mt 11:13, Lk 16:16). According to the promises of Jeremiah chapter 31, he established the New Testament (New Covenant) and made this known. Without the physical genealogy, those who believed in the Lord became acknowledged as those born of God and they were chosen as the New Israel, Spiritual Israel. This is like how God put an end to the world of Adam at the time of Noah and how Physical Israel came to an end at the time of Jesus’ first coming.
      Jesus, also, said in Matthew 21:42-43 that the stone the builders (the pastors of physical Israel) rejected became the capstone. Following this he said that the kingdom of God has been taken from them and given to a kingdom and people that will produce fruit. Like this he put an end to physical Israel and fulfilled the new work. Through Jesus and the twelve disciples spiritual Israel was created and throughout the world fruits were produced.
    This spiritual Israel, once the gospel (the prophecy of the New Testament) is testified, then the New Testament will fulfill. In the New Testament the spiritual Israel comes to an end like the physical Israel and then the New Spiritual Israel is created. Revelation testifies to this. At this time in the midst of spiritual Israel, those who are born of God’s seed are harvest, sealed, and created to be the twelve tribes (Mt 13:24-30, Rev 14:14-16, Rev 7). According to the promise, the trees by the river of the water of life bear twelve crops of fruit every month. Also with the leaves on this tree all nations are healed. This tree is the tree of life of Shincheonji. You should confirm this truth.
     Shincheonji is the only place in the whole world that has been fulfilled today according to the New Testament, created, and like being stamped it has been created according to the New Testament without anything missing. Why don’t they believe? Those who do not believe are fake believers and they cannot enter the kingdom of Heaven. The pastors of Satan called Jesus who fulfilled the Old Testament a “cult” and someone “possessed by the devil.” Today, the false pastors who are born of their gene call Jesus and the one who overcomes “cult, and the devil.” Today and from the past, the strategy of the devil that has been passed down is the same actions of the spirit and seed.
    God fulfilled His promise to Abraham at the time of Moses. The Old Testament that was promised with the prophets was fulfilled at the time of Jesus’ first coming. 2,000 years since the promise of the New Testament was established, today Jesus has fulfilled that promise in the Republic of Korea. Today through the messenger, the Advocate of Shincheonji, who saw and heard the events of the fulfillment of Revelation, the fulfillment of Revelation is being testified to the churches according to the promise (refer to Rev 22:16).


     Whoever it might be, one must listen and perceive to receive the juice of the tree of life and become the fruit of that tree. Then they can receive salvation and become the people of Heaven.

Shincheonji: Healing All Nations
