Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Shincheonji Matthias Tribe Graduation

Shincheonji Matthias Tribe Graduation


Okcheon, Chungbuk province, May 26, 2013 – Zion Christian Mission Center Graduation of Matthias tribe, one of the 12tribes of Shincheonji the temple of the tabernacle of the testimony, was held. On that day, 2037 students graduated.


   On this special day, Chief Pastor Man Hee Lee came to congratulate and give blessings and a speech of god’s words. The topic of the speech was about the 5 qualifications to enter the kingdom of the heaven. First, we should be harvested to Shincheonji according to the Bible. Second, we have to keep the word of God in mind and be sealed. Third, we should belong to the 12 tribes, the kingdom of the heaven. Fourth, we should not add or take words away in the Revelation that is already fulfilled. Last, our name should be written in the book of life according to the Revelation chapter 21.



    A lot of foreign students graduated, and they were in this graduation. They had experienced to hear the word of God from the promised pastor and they decided to learn this word. One foreign student said he made his mother to listen this word of revelation in New Zealand, and he also asked Chief pastor Lee to hold the Open Bible Seminar in New Zealand.

   There were a lot of performances about the completion of the Heaven. Plays, Taekwondo, parades performed after the ceremony, and various performances representing the heaven culture.


Sunday, May 19, 2013

[Man Hee Lee Peace Leader] - Fulfillment of the East, Travels to the West (1)

Fulfillment of the East, Travels to the West (1)

Frankfurt, Berlin in Germany/ Switzerland / Austria

Saturday, May 5, 2012


   In Incheon International Airport, Chairman Man Hee Lee of Shincheonji Church of Jesus, the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony (Shincheonji) and Hee delegation were going to visit Europe. Chairman Lee said the purpose of visiting Europe.

“Today, we are going to visit Europe. The Bible came from the Europe fulfilled at the East country Korea, so we visit Europe to testify the fulfillment what was fulfilled.”


Monday, May 7, 2012

  At the press center in Frankfurt, Chairman Lee held a conference. In this conference, many eminent pastors in Germany attended. Chairman Lee said to them the purpose of visiting Europe and the fulfillment of Revelation.

“The gospel started Europe was introduced to Korea, the end country of East. There are fulfillments of this gospel, so I want to tell you the fulfillment of this gospel to Europe which was introduced to the East. However, you will find out the fulfillment according to the promised New Testament. Whether you believe or not, I am telling you the word what I have seen, heard, and instructed.”



    Through this conference about the end of the world and Revelation, one pastor confessed that Chairman Lee is the God’s pastor.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Meeting Former Prime Minister of East Germany,
Lothar de Maiziere at Cecilienhof Palace Potsdam

Chairman Man Hee Lee and the former prime minister of East Gernany, Lothar de Maiziere having a conversation
At this meeting, Chairman Lee said, “To complete World Peace and the restoration of light without border we should be one family.”

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Berlin Open Bible Seminar at Ernst Reuter Hall

About 700 pastors attended from 33different countries

  “I am confidently testifying because I have evidence that were fulfilled according to the Bible. We should look at ourselves through the Bible whether we are pastor or not. ”

Monday, May 14, 2012

Gottweig monastery of Austria

 “All the articles of the monastery are facing east to commemorate the rising sun and Jesus’ resurrection.”

  All the artifacts of the monastery face east, to commemorate the rising sun and Jesus who resurrected, proving that the Chairman and his group’s visitation to this monastery is the Holy Spirit visiting what waited the light of the East to come.

More Articles :

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Shincheonji Open Bible Seminar By the Adcocate May 6~7

Shincheonji Open Bible Seminar by the Advocate

May 6~7 Olympic Park, Seoul


   Believers who participated in this seminar got excited about the proof of Revelation fulfillment


   Shincheonji Open Bible Seminar by the Advocate was held in Olympic Park, Seoul on May 6~7. The preacher was Manhee Lee, the chief pastor of Shincheonji. In the seminar, the preacher testified the word of physical fulfillment about the Revelation that no one has ever heard of.

Everyone who attended this seminar said “It was the word of truth that can not be testified without revelation”. Everyone was blessed by god’s words after the seminar.

   The Chairman Manhee Lee told us how the bible has been fulfilled and what is getting fulfilled. In the seminar, he said from the start that the prophecy about sowing seed at Jeremiah 31 was fulfilled at the time of the First Coming. And what Jesus prophesied about the wheat which good seed sprouted will be harvested at the time of the Revelation which is the Second Coming.(Mt 13:24-30, Rev 14:14-16) This prophecy about the second coming is getting fulfilled these days, and he is revealing the proof of fulfillment that God and Jesus has done.


  He quoted a Gospel and explained that “The seed is word of God and the field is world that the seed of word planted, which is the church of Jesus. (Mt 13:36-43) Only who being born of God seed can be the children of God. God is the word. So if you do not have his word, there is no God in your heart.”

  Chairman Lee confidently said “the Bible cannot be abolished. If anyone who thinks these proofs about physical fulfillments are wrong, please tell us that it’s wrong according to the Bible.”

  This Seminar attracted a lot of attention because the topic was for world peace, and the pastors from all over the world gave an earnest testimony about what they’ve heard about Shincheonji’s doctrine.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

The Promised Theology

The Promised Theology

And they sang a new song before the throne and before the four living creatures and the elders. No one could learn the song except the 144,000 who had been redeemed from the earth. – Rev 14: 3


In the Bible, at the Rev 14, there are people who can sing a new song, and nobody can sing that song except them. What is the new song? And who are the people singing the new song? Where and when can we hear this new song?


The new song is the testimony of physical fulfillment of sealed prophecies in the New Testament. This testimony comes only from the promised pastor after he overcomes and receives the opened book from the angel (Rev 10:10 -11). Only through him, who has eaten the opened book of revelation, we can learn the prophecy and the physical fulfillment. He is the witness who saw the fulfillment of the prophecies in the New Testament and he is in Shinchonji, so only from Shincheonji we can learn the new song.

Every month, every year, many people who eager to know the bible come to Shincheonji and learn the new song and become the family of the God. God wishes that everyone learns the new song and be the first fruits through the word of truth! (Jas 1: 18, Rev 14:3)

 We wish pray for you come also and be together in the name of Jesus Christ.



Sunday, May 5, 2013

The promised Temple

The Promised Temple
After this I looked and in heaven the temple, that is, the tabernacle of the Testimony, was opened.
            – Rev 15: 5


   After the First Coming, which have passed 2000 years until now, many people believe Jesus and go to church. Although we go to church and believe God and Jesus, not many of us know what is written in the bible about what God and Jesus said. Among lots of words in it, there is a very important fact what Jesus said in the John’s revelation. That is, there will be a church which all of us have to go and it is promised by himself. Then shouldn’t we try to know what that church is? What is the promised temple? How they look like? What is important about it?


   At Rev 15: 5, there is a temple which called the temple of the tabernacle of the Testimony and at that place, the one who overcomes testifies the physical fulfillment about prophecies in the New Testament. And also Rev 3:12, God, Jesus, and the new Jerusalem are with the promised pastor. That means, the promised temple is the place which God, Jesus, and the new Jerusalem are with.


    This temple is made of 12 tribes, and it is made according to the Bible. In the bible, this 12 tribes exists not only the Revelation time but the Old Testament time and the First Coming. In the Old Testament time, 12 tribes came from the sons of Jacob. At Genesis 32:28, Jacob struggled with God until the daybreak, and Jacob overcame God. God gave the name Israel to the Jacob, and it means the one who overcomes. Because he is the one who overcomes, Jacob has created the 12 tribes, the physical Israel which is the beginning of the Israel we know. In the time of First Coming goes same as in the Old Testament. Jesus overcame the world (Jn 16:33), and he created 12 tribes, a spiritual Israel through 12 disciples (Jas 1:1). At the Jesus’s Second Coming, the Revelation era, the bible says that the promised pastor overcomes the group of Satan (Rev 2: 3: ), and he creates the new spiritual Israel 12 tribes. The God promised the new spiritual Israel a name new heaven and new earth, the kingdom of God. In Chinese words, Shinchonji ( Rev 21:1).


   The people of the 12 tribes of Shinchonji are sealed with God and Jesus’s name. They are the first fruits through the word of truth (Jas 1:18), and they become a kingdom and priests to serve the God (Rev 5:10). In Rev 22:2, it says that God’s new kingdom bears the fruits of life every month, and Shinchonji also does it. Every month, every year, many people come to Shinchonji and listen to the word of Revelation and they become a new people of God’s kingdom.

Shincheonji Open Bible Semianr in New York
   If you are the person who knows the God’s real plan and His will, and who wants to act according to God’s will, you should go to the promised temple in the New Testament.

If Shincheonji I the promised temple, if you are the believer who believes God and Jesus, you should come here and listen to this true word.

Please understand the word of revelation, come this promised temple, Shinchonji, and be the real true believer who knows God’s will clearly!