Friday, June 28, 2013

Religion News - No one is useless in the Church, we are all equal and necessary

< Religion News – 2 >


Pope: No one is useless in the Church, we are all equal and necessary.

At the general audience Francis illustrates the concept of the Church as a temple built of "living stones". "The Church is not a mix of things and interests, but it is the temple of the Holy Spirit, the temple in which God works." "There is nothing worse than a tired, bored, indifferent Christian: it is bad, wrong, a Christian must be joyful to be a Christian, to be a part of God's people."

Vatican City (AsiaNews) - In the Church "No one is useless, we are all needed to build the temple made up of living stones", "nobody is secondary", "we are all equal, and if someone says, but you, Mr. Pope, are more important, it is not true, we are all equal. " This is how Francis summed up, the concept of the Church as the temple of living stones today, speaking to 70 thousand people present in St Peter's Square for this last general audience before the summer break. They will resume on August 7.

"The word temple - he said - makes us think of a building, a building and the mind goes to the history of the people of Israel" who had built the temple in Jerusalem, in which there was the Ark of the Covenant, which contained the tablets of the law, the manna and the rod of Aaron, signs that God was always close to the people, he had guided and accompanied their steps. "

"The ancient temple was built by human hands, was made to give a home to God", "The Church is the temple in which dwells the Holy Spirit, who animates, guides and sustains her. If we ask ourselves, "Where we can meet God? Where can we enter into communion with Him through Christ? Where can we find the light of the Holy Spirit to enlighten our lives?" the answer is, "in the People of God, among us, for we are Church - among us, within the People of God, in the Church - there we shall meet Jesus, we shall meet the Holy Spirit, we shall meet the Father. The ancient temple was built by the hands of men: they wanted to "give a home" to God, to have a visible sign of His presence among the people. With the Incarnation of the Son of God, the prophecy of Nathan to King David is fulfilled (cf. 2 Sam 7.1 to 29): it is not the king, it is not we, who are to "give a home to God," but God Himself who "builds his house" to come and dwell among us, as St. John writes in the Prologue of his Gospel (cf. 1:14). Christ is the living Temple of the Father, and Christ himself builds His "spiritual home", the Church, made not of stone materials, but of "living stones" - of us, our very selves. The Apostle Paul says to the Christians of Ephesus: you are "Built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone: in whom all the building, being framed together, groweth up into an holy temple in the Lord.(Eph 2:20-22)" How beautiful this is! We are the living stones of God, profoundly united to Christ, who is the rock of support, and among ourselves. What then, does this mean? It means that we are the Temple - the Church, but, us, living - we are Church, we are [the] living temple, and within us, when we are together, there is the Holy Spirit, who helps us grow as Church. We are not isolated, we are People of God - and this is the Church: People of God".

"The Church is not a weave of things and interests, it is rather the Temple of the Holy Spirit, the Temple in which God works, the Temple in which each of us with the gift of Baptism is living stone. This tells us that no one is useless in the Church - no on is useless in the Church! - and should anyone chance to say, some one of you, "Get home with you, you're useless!" that is not true. No one is useless in the Church. We are all needed in order to build this temple. No one is secondary: "Ah, I am the most important one in the Church!" No! We are all equal in the eyes of God. But, one of you might say, "Mr. Pope, sir, you are not equal to us." But I am just like each of you. We are all equal. We are all brothers and sisters. No one is anonymous: all form and build the Church. Nevertheless, it also invites us to reflect on the fact that the Temple wants the brick of our Christian life, that something is wanting in the beauty of the Church".

"All together no one can leave." But, " how do we live our being Church? We are living stones? Are we rather, so to speak, tired stones, bored, indifferent? Have any of you ever noticed how ugly a tired, bored, indifferent Christian is? It's an ugly sight. A Christian has to be lively, joyous, he has to live this beautiful thing that is the People of God, the Church. Do we open ourselves to the Holy Spirit, so as to be an active part of our communities, or do we close in on ourselves, saying, "I have so many things to do, that's not my job."? "May the Lord - concluded the Pope - grant us His grace, His strength, so that we can be deeply united to Christ, the cornerstone, stone of support for all of our lives and the life of the Church. Let us pray that, animated by His Spirit, we might always be living stones of the Church."


No one is useless in Church, we are all equal and necessary. However, if we know the true meaning of living stone and the temple of Holy Spirit, we could find out what is the truth that we should seek. We should know the spiritual meaning of the living stone and the temple according to the Bible.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Man Hee Lee Quotes - The Promise of God

< Man Hee Lee Quote - 6 >

The Promise of God

God has never broken his promises.
Just as God fulfilled his promises that he prophesied
to Abraham and prophets in the Old Testament,
God has fulfilled his promises in today's era.
We might have deficiencies of our faith;
however, the work of God has nothing to disbelieve.
We are just thankful for God that we were chosen
among many people even though we are not
distinguished from others.
Man Hee Lee

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Bible Comprehension through Shincheonji - The Water We Need to Drink

< The Water We Need to Drink >


   Human body is made of water by 70%. People get thirsty when their bodies lose water 2% and if our bodies lose the water 10%, people suffer in pain. If our bodies lose the water over 20%, people could die!! Also, water can remove harm substances in our body, so it helps our metabolism.

  Therefore, the water is an essential part of our body, so we need to drink water regularly and periodically. Then, how about our spirit?

God made our spirit in our body (Zec 12: 1), and the spirit is like an inner person. If physical bodies need physical water to live, what is the water for the spirit?

The spiritual water that we need to drink to make our soul alive is the word of God. As you can see at Dt 32: 2, God describes the water as his word. It means that the water is so important to our spirit like the physical water is essential part of our physical body. Drinking the spiritual water is listening to God’s words. In order to make our spirit alive, we should keep the word of God in our mind by listening to them.

As physical body needs water to live and be healthy, our spirits need God’s words to live and have healthy mind.

* Let my teaching fall like rain and my words descend like dew, like showers on new grass, like abundant rain on tender plants.  – Dt 32: 2

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Religion News -1 Aung San Suu Kyi has criticised

< Religion News - 1 >

  Myanmar opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi has criticised a proposal by nationalist monks to restrict marriages between Buddhist women and men of other faiths, describing it as a violation of human rights, a report said Friday.

  YANGON: Myanmar opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi has criticised a proposal by nationalist monks to restrict marriages between Buddhist women and men of other faiths, describing it as a violation of human rights, a report said Friday.

  "This is one-sided. Why only women? You cannot treat the women unfairly," Radio Free Asia quoted the Nobel Peace Laureate as saying in an interview. 
  "I also understand that this is not in accordance with the laws of the country and especially that it is not part of Buddhism," the veteran activist said.
  "It is a violation of women's rights and human rights."

  Under the proposal -- spearheaded by the controversial Mandalay cleric Wirathu -- non-Buddhist men wishing to marry a Buddhist woman would have to convert and gain permission from her parents to wed or risk 10 years in jail.
  The idea was raised at a recent meeting of more than 200 monks called to discuss a surge in Buddhist-Muslim violence in the former junta-ruled country.

  Wirathu said the law was needed "because Buddhist girls have lost freedom of religion when they married Muslim men".
  Senior clerics have distanced themselves from the proposal while women's rights groups have voiced opposition.

  Sectarian bloodshed -- mostly targeting Muslims -- has laid bare deep divides that were largely suppressed under decades of military rule which ended two years ago in the Buddhist-majority country.
   Radical monks -- once at the forefront of the country's pro-democracy movement -- have led a campaign to shun shops owned by Muslims and only to visit stores run by Buddhists. Some were also involved in the religious unrest. 

  Suu Kyi has been accused by some international human rights activists of failing to clearly condemn the anti-Muslim violence.
  Dozens of people were killed in clashes in central Myanmar in March while about 200 people died last year in sectarian unrest in the western state of Rakhine.Last month Suu Kyi criticised a controversial ban imposed on Rohingya Muslims in Rakhine having more than two children.

- AFP/sb

   People have freedom of religion, so no one can unduly oppress to others’ religion through marriage. However, if we achieve the unification of religion, we do not have to fight and harm each other. Thus, the unification of religion is urgent problem.


Friday, June 21, 2013

[Peace Advocate Man Hee Lee] - Fulfillment of the East, Travels to the South(4)

Fulfillment of the East, Travels to the South (4)

Papua New Guinea

Sun, March 3, 2013


   Last year, the prime minister of Papua New Guinea, Peter O’neill, was so impressed about the video of the World Peace Festival; Culture and Sports Celebration of Restoring Light held in 16th September, 2012 in Seoul. Therefore, he wanted to meet Chairman Man Hee Lee, so he request Chairman Lee come to visit Papua New Guinea. With this invitation, Chairman Lee traveled to Papua New Guinea to notify the way that can complete the world peace and testify the fulfillment of the Revelation again.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

National Parliament House of Papua New Guinea

   Chairman Lee was going to have a conversation with the prime minister of Papua New Guinea. However, because of the prime minister’s bad condition, prime minister had to cancel his all schedules of that day. Instead of him, he asked Leo Dion, the deputy prime minister of Papua New Guinea, to have a meeting with Chairman Lee. Chairman Lee was invited to the national parliament house, and the meeting started.
“I was in the Korean War. There were many favors that my fellows asked, and one of them asked me to do the peace work for the war cessation if I survive. I met many presidents and prime ministers, and I suggested them to sign for the war cessation and the world peace in the International law when all people representing each country have a meeting. Also, many international youth groups agreed this suggestion and they wanted to be a part of this suggestion. All presidents, ministers, and pastors make their mind into one.”
  The deputy prime minister was moved to this suggestion, so he wanted to listen to Chairman’s instruction more to make peaceful world.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Pastors’ conference in Grand Papua Hotel

After the meeting at national parliament house, Chairman Lee went back to the Grand Papua Hotel. Pastors representing Papua New Guinea were waiting Chairman Lee to listen his word. Chairman Lee said the way to achieve world peace again during this conference.
“I am standing here to talk as a messenger of peace. I am agitating for the world peace and the restoration of light by traveling the whole world. I met many presidents and ministers. Sometimes I gave an address at National Assemblies. At the time of the First Coming, disciples joyfully praised Jesus. They said that Jesus is the king who comes in the name of the Lord and Jesus is peace in heaven and glory in the highest (Lk 19: 38-42). As you can see the time of the First Coming, Jesus came to the world to make world peace. The time of these days is same at the time of the First Coming. Now we can make the world peace and the restoration of light with heavenly culture.”

  Many pastors who participated in this conference were so impressed. Also, they were alarming the fact that heavenly culture can really make the world peace. The true material for world peace is the word of God. They were so surprised and happy to know this remarkable material.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Pangia/ Ialibu

Chairman Lee and Hee delegation moved to the Mountain Hagen. They stayed in there one day, and there, they were served special treatment. The Guards escorted them day and night because of the prime minister’s direction. Staying there one night, they moved again to Pangia, the hometown of prime minister. The prime minister wanted to invite them to his hometown. People in Panguia welcomed Chairman Lee and Hee delegation warmly.

“I heard that here is the hometown of the prime minister. I think here is like the world of God. I think here will be a light of this world forever. Let’s make our mind to one, all of you, and make a bright, peaceful world. I will remember you all in my mind, and tell to the whole world.”
   After they visited Panguia, they went to Ialibu. People in Ialibu prepared a festival. The festival is usually held for visiting the prime minister. However, they prepared this festival for Chairman Lee and Hee delegation. They gave a hat for Chairman Lee that is usually for a chief. The leaders and pastors of this region introduced Chairman Lee as a person of God.
  “Thank you for welcoming us and treating us so special. Heaven and earth saw your special treatment for us. I am preaching the word of God, and also I am telling the heavenly culture that can be a source to make the world peace. Like the lights, rains and airs come to people equally, I want to people to have blessings. ”
Through this speech, Chairman Lee gave a speech of the Revelation for one hour. They were happy to hear this testifies. One of leaders of this region told that he wanted to donate his land to use it for peace.
Friday, March 8, 2013

Female leader conference at Grand Papua Hotel in Ports Moresby

  The last day of staying Papua New Guinea, many female leaders gathered to listen to Chairman Lee’s instruction. Chairman Lee gave the word of truth to them and wished them to realize the word of God.
  “As you can see at Jeremiah chapter31, it says that Jesus’ appearance is ‘A New Thing’. Now I want all of you to realize the word of God. God showed all events of Revelation to the Advocate, and those who listens to the word of the Advocate, God will be blessed. Do you know this blessing? It is the kingdom of heaven and the eternal life. ”
  People who attended this meeting were so impressed about this teaching. They gave Chairman Lee and Hee delegation national flowers to welcome.

Saturday, March 9, 2013


   After Chairman Lee finished his schedule, he came back to Korea. This travel was so special than before trip. People in Papua New Guinea gave a special treatment to them, and they were happy to hear the message of peace leader.
One of pastors realized Chairman’s teaching is a real method to achieve the world peace. Therefore, he wanted to learn more about his teaching, so he decided to come to Korea.
As Chairman Lee said repeatedly, the real material of the world peace and the restoration of light is heavenly culture, and it is the word of God. God send his messenger to the world, and the Advocate testifies the word of truth now. He will testify this word of truth to the all over the world because of his mission. This word is spreading now, and many people who heard this word are coming to Shincheonji, and they wanted to be the part of making world peace.
Chairman Lee will travel to the world over and over again to testify this alarming word of truth, and the source of the world peace.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Man Hee Lee Quotes - Light and Life

< Man Hee Lee Quote - 5 >

Light and Life
God and Jesus are light and love.
We were born by them, so we should be
 the entities of light and love.
Also, the word of God is light and life; therefore,
people who have the word of God in their mind
will be the light and have the life.
Man Hee Lee

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

[Peace Advocate Man Hee Lee] - Fulfillment of the East, Travels to the West (3)

Fulfillment of the East, Travels to the West (3)

Ethiopia / South Africa

Friday, November 30. 2012

After Chairman Man Hee Lee successfully finished the last seminar in Europe and America, he went to travel to Africa to testify the fulfillment of the Revelation.

“I am going to go Africa to notice the fulfillment of the Revelation that was fulfilled in South Korea for people who are waiting God’s fulfillment. About 2 million people are waiting. Also, I am going to meet few presidents. We need religious unification, and it will help accomplish the world peace and the restoration of light. That is God’s history.”

Monday, December 3.2012


On this day, chairman Man Hee Lee met the president of Ethiopia, Girma Wolde-Giorgis. In this meeting, Chairman Lee expressed his thanks to Korean War veterans of Ethiopia on behalf of the people in Korea.

“From now on, I hope that the presidents of each country should make their thoughts to one, and make the war to an end. Also, I wish you to help Korea unite.”

Chairman Lee pleaded to the president of Ethiopia to make the world peace together.

After the meeting, Chairman Lee visited the Korean War Veteran Commemoration Park in Ethiopia. At the place, there were people who had participated in the war waiting for Chairman Lee. In the park, Chairman Lee gave compensation funds to them for the gratitude.


Thursday, December 6. 2012

South Africa
Redeemed Pentecostal Assemblies Church

About 50 people, pastors and believers came to attend Chairman Lee‘s seminar of god’s words. In this seminar, Chairman Lee said that our hope is the fulfillment of the New Testament, Jesus’ promise, and we have waited for the fulfillments of the prophecies.

 Everyone in that place was blessed from the words spoken by him. One of the pastors who attended the seminar confessed that he is a messenger from God sent for them to testify the fulfillment of the Revelation.


Saturday, December 8. 2012

South Africa National Assemblies in Cape Town

At the National Assemblies in South Africa, there was a Morning Prayer Service with pastors representing South Africa. Chairman Man Hee Lee was invited to this meeting, and he showed an example about world peace. It was a video about the World Peace Festival; Culture and Sports Celebration of Restoring Light held in 16th September, 2012 in Seoul.


During the video, Chairman Lee said, “I have confidence that we can complete the world peace and the restoration of light with heavenly culture, and I have worked for this until now. Truly, if presidents want world peace and care for their nation and people, they should sign for the war cessation, and furthermore, world peace in the International law.”

  Many pastors who saw this video agreed that this heavenly culture can help achieving the world peace. They saw a hope through it.


Friday, December 14. 2012

A meeting with the president of South Africa

Chairman Man Hee Lee visited the president residence in South Africa. The president of South Africa, Jacob Zuma, welcomed him warmly. Even in this meeting, Chairman Lee said about world peace.

“I sent a letter to all the presidents in the world, and in the letter, I wrote a favor. It must be so hard work, but I want you to sign for the war cessation and world peace.”

The president of South Africa was impressed with his suggestion, and he wanted to help his work in order to make the world peace.

Saturday, December 15. 2012

Open Bible Seminar at Cape Town City Hall

  About 700 Pastors and believers have attended this seminar. Chairman Lee introduced himself that he came here as a peace leader, and the Advocate of Jesus. Chairman Lee mentioned about world peace again.

  “How can we achieve the world peace and the restoration of light? The answer is the HEAVENLY CULTURE and THE WORD OF GOD. I have confidence that we can achieve the world peace and the restoration of light with heavenly culture, so I have worked with branches abroad. I appreciate all of you participated in this act to make world peace, and I hope you to become a peace leader for the world peace and the restoration of light.”

Tuesday, December 18. 2012


After Chairman Lee finished all schedule in Africa, he came back to Korea. All seminars he did were for people in the world. Until now, nobody has solved wars and struggles around the world, and there was no substantial solution for world peace. However, he suggested the real solution to achieve the world peace and the restoration of light, and the source of the world peace is the word of God. Moreover, the true word of God came from the promised pastor, the Advocate of Jesus, Chairman Man Hee Lee!!

 Without him, we cannot listen to the word of truth, and we cannot understand the true meaning of Bible and the fulfillment of the Revelation. Through the word of God, he has worked to make the world peace and the restoration of light.

Why don’t you listen to the word of God and become a part of peace leader to make the world peace?




Friday, June 7, 2013

Man Hee Lee Quotes - How do we know the existence of God?

< Man Hee Lee Quote - 4 >

How do we know the existence of God?


God created every creature in the world.
We already have heard that he created Adam,
 and he left all creatures to Adam.
However, we do not know
when God has existed exactly.
We can know the existence of God
through the creatures.
There is no creature without the creator.
Man Hee Lee

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Man Hee Lee Quotes - There is life in the word of God.

< Man Hee Lee Quote - 3 >

There is life in the word of God.

The words of people are useless.
There is no life in the words of people,
only in the word of God.
Shouldn't we give them the word of God to live life in them?
Man Hee Lee

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Man Hee Lee Quotes - If you believe God, and the word of the Bible......

< Man Hee Lee Quote - 2 >

If you believe God, and the word of the Bible......

"If we believe God, and the word of the Bible,
we should know what the Bible told to us,
and we should find out the true meaning of the Bible."
Man Hee Lee

Monday, June 3, 2013

Man Hee Lee Quotes - If something hard to decide happens to you in your life.....

   < Man Hee Lee Quote - 1 >
If something hard to decide happens to you in your life....

We should remind the words of God
in our mind all the time.
Then, if something hard to decide happens to us,
we can distinguish it whether we should do or not
according to the words of God in your mind.

 Man Hee Lee