Saturday, August 31, 2013

[Shincheonji Church of Jesus] - (24Q&A - 4) : existence of God

[24 Q&A] 4. Someday, it seems like synthesis of life and people living for a long time without illnesses might be possible. If scientific development continues, wouldn’t the existence of God be denied?
Posted 6/16/2012 8:38:00 AM | Updated 2012-06-16 AM 8:38:55
Photo caption: Chairman Lee Byoungchul and Chariman Lee Manhee
4. Someday, it seems like synthesis of life and people living for a long time without illnesses might be possible. If scientific development continues, wouldn’t the existence of God be denied?
Someday, synthesis of life and people living a long time without illnesses is possible. What you have said is correct. However, it is not through science. I do not think just because science develops, it will be able to analyze the two kinds of gods. Gods can only be known through gods. Also, since life spans were shortened due to sin (within biblical history), when sin is decreased and disappears, people will be able to live longer. The only way to resolve the problem of sin is the blood of Jesus (a righteous man). This is when God could reunite with men.

Source :

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Shincheonji Unmasked - To Awaken the Sleepers in the World

  The secret of Genesis and the book of Revelation will be posted on next month. We hope you to come and see these stories about the secrets of Bible. It helps you to understand and solve your questions in the Bible.
  To awaken the sleepers in the world, Shincheonji will be the light to all sleepers in the world because shincheonji is the only and one light that God and Jesus promised in the world.
  "Wake up, sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you."  - Eph 5:14

[Peace Advocate Man Hee Lee] : Open Bible Seminar in the Philippines - Fulfillment of the East, Travels to the South (5)

Open Bible Seminar in the Philippines

“If this word spread, people’s thoughts and their acts will be change.” “I realized that God’s wish is to make peace by making all people into one.” “If this word is preached, peace will come to this country.” - Parts of pastors’ testifies in the Philippines  
Wherever World Peace Leader, Chairman Man Hee Lee, preached the word of fulfillments and peace messages, a magnificent sight that people gathered like clouds appeared. Pastors and Christians that saw this spectacle sight were so amazed.

Fulfillment of the East, Travels to the South (5)

Wednesday, June 12, 2013 – Thursday, June 18, 2013 in the Philippines

Chairman Man Hee Lee and Hee delegation chose the Philippines to notify the solution of world peace for this visiting. They received a passionate welcome from the local pastors and the young. Also, the press in the Philippines showed high interest to a peace activist, Chairman Lee, as soon as they heard that he arrived at the capital of the Philippines, Manila. About 30 main presses attended the conference asking a lot of questions. Chairman Lee took part in live broadcast and introduced the meaning and acts of world peace and the restoration of light. Major press media in the Philippines reported work of Chairman Lee for peace day in.
Open Bible Seminar, thousands of people gathered – local pastors “Amazing”
  Staying in the Philippines, it was the Open Bible Seminar that it took all interest of residents. Four Seminars were held, and about 5,000 people attended. The first day of Open Bible Seminar, Chairman Lee testified the whole contents of Bible connecting the Old Testament and the New Testament and showed a passionate figure to help listener’s understanding. Pastors were impressed about these points that Chairman Lee testified and showed. Also, they never have listened to this kind of word that is about the fulfillments of the New Testament before, so they were surprised and glad to listen to this word.

Pastors who attended this seminar wanted to listen more about the word of fulfillment, so they invited Chairman Lee to hold another conference. They voluntarily ask Chairman Lee to hold the convocation of Revelation, and about 100 pastors came to listen to the word of Revelation.  After the convocation, they had a question and answer session at dinner time.

“Thank you for delivering the light to the Philippines sincerely.”

  One of pastors expressed his gratitude. Also, pastors who visited Chairman Lee’s seminar said if they have a chance to learn this word, they will learn this word, and they would gather more pastors to learn this word.

   Wherever Chairman Lee goes, the work of Holy Spirit appears. People were happy to meet this Peace Advocate, Chairman Lee, and they could learn the source of the world peace to make world more beautiful than before.

The real material of World Peace is the word of God that is about the fulfillments of the prophecies in the Bible. Shincheonji has the fulfillments of the Bible that no one has ever heard it before, and world will be healed by this word of fulfillment. The world gladded to listen to the word of fulfillment and light, and they already acknowledged this word of God.

 There must be a reason why people wanted to hear this word. Come and listen to the word of God, word of fulfillment, then, you can find the reason why people wanted it.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Shincheonji Testify : [24 Q&A -3] - Creationism or Evolutionism?

[24 Q&A] 3. Biologists advocate human beings are the outcome of a long process of evolution. How is this different from God’s creation of humans? Are not humans or living creatures a consequence of evolution?
Posted 6/16/2012 8:37:00 AM | Updated 2012-06-16 AM 8:37:59

Photo caption: Chairman Lee Byoungchul and Chariman Lee Manhee

3. Biologists advocate human beings are the outcome of a long process of evolution. How is this different from God’s creation of humans? Are not humans or living creatures a consequence of evolution?

    Humans and other living things are not the result of evolution but change. Then one may ask why there was a change. A color is one color, but when two colors are mixed, the result is not the same as the original color. The chick born of a mixed breeding of a native and foreign chicken is not the same as the parent chicken. The chick would be a half-half hybrid of the native and foreign breeds. What the true God has created is always the same. Yet, since there are two kinds of gods in this world, there are those who are born of another god and have become something different.
    For example, the faces of identical twins are almost the same. Although the environment and the atmosphere each twin is exposed to are different, because the genetic information of the twins when they are created by a man and a woman are the same, the faces of the twins look the same. However, the face of the child born afterwards is different. The reason for this is the difference of accumulated sin and aging.
    It is not evolution. When evil entered into the first man, a living spirit (life), the color and behavior of men became mixed and changed. Men began to resemble the image of two gods; however, when the Creator, who is life, returns, all men and creation will be restored to their original state. This change occurred because of the evil god.

Source :

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Shincheonji Truth : [Peace Advocate Man Hee Lee Quotes] - We Should Pray God Ceaselessly

< Man Hee Lee Quote - 11 >

We Should Pray God Ceaselessly

We should believe the word of God correctly
and sincerely pray God at least three times a day.
However, I say that we should pray God ceaselessly.
Whatever we do, thinking only God's work in our mind
and requesting all Shincheonji congregation members to safe
is right PRAYER.
Man Hee Lee

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Shincheonji Church of Jesus : [24 Q&A - 2] - How can it be proved that God is the creator of the universe and all living things?

[24 Q&A] 2. How can it be proved that God is the creator of the universe and all living things?
Posted 6/15/2012 8:37:00 AM | Updated 2012-06-16 AM 8:37:44
Photo Caption: Chairman Man Hee Lee, lecturing passionately without even taking a sip of water
2. How can it be proved that God is the creator of the universe and all living things?
  One cannot say a king does not exist simply because he has not seen him in the palace. The proof God created all things is creation itself. How can anything grow if there is no seed and how can anything sprout if nothing has been planted?
  The Creator is life and the words of God, who is life, become the seed to create all things (Lk 8:11; Jn 1:1-4). The creation of heaven and the earth is like the son existing because the father exists. The son knows his father. The reason why a son may not know his father is because he is not the son.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Religion News : [Shincheonji testify] - 18-Minute Sermons?Pastors Blast TED Ispired Advice

18-Minute Sermons? Pastors Blast TED Inspired Advice

By Tyler O'Neil, CP Contributor

August 9, 2013|4:29 pm

Several pastors criticized the suggestion that 18-minute sermons would be the most effective way to share the Gospel on Sunday mornings, as proposed by a seminary student inspired by TED talks.

Jeff Tatarchuck, an Andrews University seminary student and guest writer on TED, a non-profit dedicated to "Ideas Worth Spreading," suggested pastors limit their Sunday messages to 18 minutes. He argued that shorter messages would make more sermons go viral.

If "the topic is short and simple enough for people to listen and digest the information, it makes it much easier for the audience to take action, which is to share the information with others," he wrote. Making the Gospel short, simple, and shareable would greatly expand the pastor's reach, and bring more people to Christ, he said

While agreeing that they need to broadcast the Gospel as widely as possible, several pastors said that 18 minutes proves extremely insufficient for their mission in the pulpit.

Ken Hutcherson, former NFL linebacker and senior pastor of Seattle's Antioch Bible Church, told The Christian Post, "I guess we'd better make professional football games eighteen minutes – have you noticed how bored they are when the fourth quarter comes around?" Hutcherson found Tatarchuck's suggestion of 18-minute sermons laughable.

"No one can drive over eighteen minutes anywhere because their attention span drops," he quipped. Like some people's morning commute, his sermons go for about 40 to 45 minutes, "and sometimes that's too short."

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Hutcherson, who has spent three years preaching through the Gospel of John, claimed that inspiration from the Holy Spirit and connecting with his audience matter a great deal more than the length of his sermon. He traced the problem back to pastors themselves, who too often make their sermons dry.

"As in the football stadium, people in church get excited by something that stimulates them," he said. To better connect with his congregation, Hutcherson said he studies the word, trusts God, and uses all of himself, "steadied up under the Holy Spirit, I turn myself loose when I get in the pulpit."

"I love TED talks," Ryan Carrell, lead pastor of Indianapolis' The Southeast Project Church, to CP Thursday, but said his focus, like Hutcherson's, isn't on brevity.

Less heavy on step-by-step exegesis, Carrell zeroes in on connecting with people, he said. He acknowledged that every week "there are churched and unchurched, Christians and not-yet-Christians, in the same room." He connects people with biblical narratives, not by holding up biblical heroes, but by linking their struggles with the struggles of his congregation – and showing how God changes everything.

Carrell emphasized that faith grows gradually, over time, in the process of sanctification. His "modern church" uses sermons as a path to relationships with his congregation. "We can do a lot of teaching on Sunday mornings, but discipleship really occurs in those community moments as people are wrestling with faith together, not staring in rows and listening to somebody preaching," he said.

Despite his church's modern style, the Indianapolis pastor said he would never limit his sermons to 18 minutes, because sometimes it takes 40 or 45 minutes to inspire his audience through scripture.

Wallace Henley, senior associate pastor of the 60,000 member Houston Second Baptist Church and columnist for CP, echoed both Hutcherson and Carrell's main points. "What happens when the Spirit of God manifests itself through the world and people are magnetically attracted to it? They want more after 18 minutes," he told CP. Also, "it would be wrong to think that we could truly disciple a person in an 18-minute time span."

Henley also emphasized the need, even in topical sermons, of setting the exegetical background for a bible passage. He said his 40-minute sermons explain the background, why the text was written, and how to apply the passage today.

He related Hutcherson's focus on teaching and Carrell's emphasis on community with the call for discipleship. "You can make a disciple, as Jesus made disciples, in the relationship and the intentional teaching ties, as modeled in the Sermon on the Mount."



    Recently, Christianity tries to pay attention to people, so it makes their duties useless. Even though sermons are absolutely part of God, human’s convenience is becoming a standard of many Christians’ activities. Reducing the sermon time is nonsense on the ground that people can be easily boring. It could be possible, however; if the word is truth and word of life, anyone really wants to listen to the word whether it takes one minutes or one hour.

  Word which makes people feel good can be found other places in the world. However, the word of truth, life is nowhere. If people know the word of truth, the time would not be a problem.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Shincheonji Revelation : [Bible Comprehension through Shincheonji] -Two Seed and the Harvest

Two Seed and the Harvest


   The spiritual seed divided two seeds, God’s seed and Satan’s seed. Each seed represents the word of Spirit. Then, where is the place that each seed sows? And when is the time that these seeds sowed? And who is the one that sowed these seeds? What is the result after these seeds sowed?
- Jer 31:27 “The days are coming,” declares the Lord, “when I will plant the house of Israel and the house of Judah with the offspring of men and of animals.
  God prophesied that there will be two seeds sowed (Jer 31:27). In this verse, the offspring of men means seed of God, and the offspring of animal means the seed of Satan. The place that these seeds planted is the house of Israel and Judah, the world of God’s chosen people. These promises fulfilled at the time of the First Coming. Jesus came to the world, and he sowed the word of God to the Israelites. Then, Jesus is the one who sowed the word of God, God’s seed, to the world. However, something happens after Jesus sowed the God’s seed.
  Let us check out the parables of heaven that Jesus told more detail.
- Mt 13:24-30 Jesus told them another parable: “The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed food seed in his field. But while everyone was sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat, and went away. When the wheat sprouted and formed heads, then the weeds also appeared.”
  “The owner’s servants came to him and said, ‘Sir, didn’t you sow good seed in your field? Where then did the weeds come from?’”
“ ‘An enemy did this,’ he replied.
“The servants asked him, ‘Do you want us to go and pull them up?’
“‘No,’ he answered, ‘because while you are pulling the weeds, you may root up the wheat with them. Let both grow together until the harvest. At the time I will tell the harvesters: First collect the weeds and tie them in bundles to be burned; then gather the wheat and bring it into my barn.
   Jesus sowed the seed to his field, the world of Christianity. After Son of Man sowed the GOOD SEED, the enemy sowed the weeds. Then, who is the enemy? Satan is the enemy. Satan sowed Satan’s seed, his own laws and doctrines to Jesus’ field. Therefore, the prophecy that God told to us was fulfilled at the First Coming.

- Mt 13:37-43 He answered, “The one who sowed the good seed is the Son of Man. The field is the world, and the good seed stands for the sons of the kingdom. The weeds are the sons of the evil one, and the enemy who sows them is the devil. The harvest is the end of the age, and the harvesters are angels.
“As the weeds are pulled up and burned in the fire, so it will be at the age. The Son of Man will send out his kingdom everything that causes sin and all who do evil. They will throw them into the fiery furnace, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Then the righteous will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father. He who has ears, let him hear.
In the parable, the owner’s servants noticed that the weeds sowed in their owner’s field. They asked to the owners to pull the weeds up. However, the owner just let the weeds leave in the field until the time of harvest. Then, when is the time of the harvest? The time of the harvest is the end of age. It does not mean the end of the world. What is the world to Jesus? It is the world of Jesus, therefore; the harvest starts at the end time of Jesus’ world.
What is the result after these two seeds sowed? Good Seed became the wheat, and the weeds are the sons of evil one. The wheat will be brought into the owner’s barn, Jesus’ barn. However; the weed will be thrown into the fiery furnace. It just merely small difference of seed, but the result is so tremendous. Therefore, bearing with God’s seed is so important to the believers. Because not all believers can go to the heaven, those who are born with the God’s seed only can enter the kingdom of heaven.
  Jer 31:27 (Prophecy)
Seed of men
Seed of animals
Mt 13:24-25(fulfilled)
Good Seed
Mt 13:37-39
God’s word(truth)
Satan’s word(lies)
Sons of kngdom of heaven
Sons of evil one
Children of God
Children of devil(Jn8:44)
Secret of kingdom of heaven = SEED
Believers who want to enter the kingdom of heaven should be born with the God’s seed and be brought into the barn. Then, where is the barn that we should go at the time of the harvest. We can check it more specifically at the book of the Revelation written about the time of the end and the prophecies in the New Testament. At the Chapter 14 in the Revelation, there is a Mount Zion that those who offered as firstfruits of God and the lamb gathered. Also, this firstfuits are born with the word of truth, God’s seed (Jas 1:18). Therefore, people who gathered in Mount Zion are born with the God’s seed, the word of truth, and Mount Zion is the right place that God, Jesus and the spiritual thorn in the heaven are dwell in.
Believers who follow the word of Jesus and wish to go to the kingdom of heaven should understand the realities of these two seeds and should be the children of God that are born with the God’s seed so that they can be harvested to the barn at the time of the harvest, the end of the era.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Shincheonji Testify : [24 Q&A - 1] - How can you prove God's exisrence?

[24 Q&A] 1. How can you prove God’s existence?
Posted 6/15/2012 8:46:00 AM | Updated 2012-06-16 AM 8:46:56

Photo caption: May 12th, after the Open Bible Seminar in Europe, one of the ministry leaders is sincerely asking the Chairman to host an Open Bible Seminar in his country in tears.
1. How can you prove God’s existence?
Why doesn’t God clearly reveal himself?
Looking at oneself gives proof of God’s existence. God does not reveal himself to people because God and men have become enemies.
There are two kinds of gods or spirits: God the creator, who is life, and an evil spirit, who is a created being.
Each kind of god has both a parent-god and a child-god. The god who exists inside of a person is the child-god. A person (body) is like the house for a god.

A god is a spirit and the soul is life. Even if the god leaves, a person is able to breathe and live if he still has the soul. When both the god and the soul leave, the person dies. However, even if a body is dead, the spirit is still alive. We cannot know God if we do not know about religion. Man (Adam), who was created and was the child-god of the Creator (Acts 17:29), became a living spirit after receiving the breath of life (Gn 2). However, as a result of receiving the evil spirit of the dragon, who is a created being, the living spirit and the evil spirit became one. This caused confusion, anxiety, and pain. The soul and the spirit left, the flesh returned to the dust and became dust (Gn 3).
People who are born with the genes of the first man (Adam) are the people who have been living on this earth until today. When man, who is the child-god of God, receives another god, the parent-god, who gives life, leaves and after living the life they are left with, the man dies.
As a result of inherited sin and personal sin accumulating on top of original sin; sin increased and our lifespan became shorter (Gn 6:1-3; Ps 90:10). Because evil entered into life, pain and death also came into existence. By receiving another god, sin was committed and because of this sin, the holy God of life left men. The parent-god cannot come to people because of sin and people cannot go to the parent-god because of sin. This is how there came to be a division between heaven and hell.
Confirmation: I am dreaming. My spirit (god) that looks like me comes out from me, goes far away and wanders around. The spirit wanders around and is able to see and hear. My body’s soul, which is still within the body, is not dead and is still breathing. The spirit (god) and soul (life) are separated. The spirit which left even has the ability to fly. The soul which remains in my body lies still and breathes. When the soul (body), which is the house of the spirit, is shaken, the spirit comes back immediately. The spirit then lets the soul know what it has seen and heard. The child-god cannot receive help from the parent-god as a result of sin. One cannot know God through worldly knowledge or wisdom.
Since there are two kinds of gods, which give two kinds of thoughts of the heart, it causes confusion; and after suffering under this kind of captivity and pressure, the spirit leaves, the soul also leaves and only the body (house) is left to return to the ground.
Heavenly religion belongs to the parent-god and it is education which is given to the child-god. This education provides a way for the child-god to meet the parent-god and receive the breath of life. The spirit, which became a living spirit as a result receiving of the breath of life, became a dying spirit and soul as a result of receiving an evil spirit. How does it cause death? It sends all kinds of illnesses and destroys the inner parts of the body (house). Because the house is destroyed, the spirit leaves. By understanding religion, escaping from the evil spirit, and believing in the parent-god, who helps people to become living spirits, the body will be judged and die because of the original sin, hereditary sin, and personal sin, but the spirit will live by being encouraged through faith. This is due to a separation between the child-god and the evil spirit, which was with the child-god.
In order to save mankind, who is in this kind of state from the evil god, first the cost of sin must be paid (with the blood of a righteous man). The evil god must be overcome and one must overcome oneself. This is when one is able to find oneself once again, escape from the evil god and become one with the parent-god, who is the Creator and life. This is the path of religion. This does not occur simply by wishing for it, but rather, it is possible through the one who gives us the path and life (religion). It is similar to a reunification where an orphan finds and drinks the breast milk of his mother.
I have seen the God of heaven, have heard his voice, dreamed dreams and have experienced the spirit and the soul leaving my body. I have also experienced the spirit and the soul leaving and returning (to the body, which is the house of flesh) twice.
Both times I tried hard not to die. After the spirit and soul left, I did not think at all about the body, which was the house. With the same outfit I wore while I was alive, I was traveling somewhere on earth. This happened when I was walking on a path by myself. I do not remember for how long I had left the flesh. I was going far away and the moment I thought about the body, I was back in the body and came back to life again.
Conclusion: The proof of the parent-god is to look at oneself, who is a child-god. How can the son say the father does not exist because he has not seen him? The reason why the parent-god does not show himself is because the child-god has committed sin by uniting with another god. This is why the parent-god (holy spirit) has been groaning (Rom 8:19-27). If I wrote based on the evidence recorded in the Bible, I would have a lot more to say; but I have explained, as you can see above, so people who do not believe would also be able to understand.

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