Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Bible Comprehension through Shincheonji - The Water We Need to Drink

< The Water We Need to Drink >


   Human body is made of water by 70%. People get thirsty when their bodies lose water 2% and if our bodies lose the water 10%, people suffer in pain. If our bodies lose the water over 20%, people could die!! Also, water can remove harm substances in our body, so it helps our metabolism.

  Therefore, the water is an essential part of our body, so we need to drink water regularly and periodically. Then, how about our spirit?

God made our spirit in our body (Zec 12: 1), and the spirit is like an inner person. If physical bodies need physical water to live, what is the water for the spirit?

The spiritual water that we need to drink to make our soul alive is the word of God. As you can see at Dt 32: 2, God describes the water as his word. It means that the water is so important to our spirit like the physical water is essential part of our physical body. Drinking the spiritual water is listening to God’s words. In order to make our spirit alive, we should keep the word of God in our mind by listening to them.

As physical body needs water to live and be healthy, our spirits need God’s words to live and have healthy mind.

* Let my teaching fall like rain and my words descend like dew, like showers on new grass, like abundant rain on tender plants.  – Dt 32: 2


  1. The water I should drink is the word of God. I didn't realize it was, but now I know the true meaning!!

  2. Our spirit lives by the water God gives us from his words
