<Religion News - 3>
06/28/2013 14:05
Pope: Christian unity, an
"urgency" in a world "hungry for truth and love"
Francis receives Ecumenical
Patriarchate delegation in Rome for the feast of Saints Peter and Paul. The
Pope and Bartholomew, who sent a message, highlight how the search for unity is
not the compilation of different opinions promulgated to integrate in a harmonious
but the revelation of the one truth expressed through
and in the divine person of Jesus Christ.

The Orthodox delegation, led
by Ioannis (Zizioulas), Metropolitan of Pergamon, co-chair of the Joint
International Commission for Theological Dialogue between the Catholic Church
and the Orthodox Church was received by Francis, with whom he then had lunch.
The search for unity, in the
words of the Pope, "is important for our own witness, to finally announce
with one voice the good news of the Gospel."
"I am confident that the
effort to reflect together, complex and laborious though it is, will bear fruit
in due course. I find it reassuring to know that Catholics and Orthodox share a
notion of dialogue that is not about seeking a theological lowest common
denominator on which to reach a compromise, but is rather about deepening our
grasp of the sole truth that Christ has given to his Church, a truth that we
never cease to understand better, as we follow the Holy Spirit's
"Our faith - writes
Bartholomew in his message - is not a compilation of diverse opinions
promulgated to integrate discussion in a harmonious way; it is the revelation
of the singular truth expressed through and in the divine person of Jesus
"We are not ignorant - he
adds - We are not ignorant of the existing impediments to the desirable unity
of all Christians. Nevertheless, we shall not cease working with all our
strength and aspiring to the All-Holy Spirit. Today, the same Spirit also
renders us "bold heralds" of Christian unity."
The Ecumenical Patriarch also
emphasizes simplicity that characterizes the style of Pope Francis. "This
spirit - he adds - must surely also characterize relations among Churches and
Christians, who for reasons known to the Lord are divided today." "It
is our personal hope that the incomplete dialogues among the various Churches -
and especially the dialogue between our two great Churches of Roman Catholicism
and Orthodox Christianity, a dialogue of love, theology and truth - will
continue to bear fruit in a spirit of simplicity and fraternity, of mutual
understanding and truthfulness, in order to bring about the desired result of
rapprochement through the unique authenticity in Christ".
"We must not - concluded
the Pope - be afraid of encounter and true dialogue. This does not lead us away
from the truth; rather, through an exchange of gifts, it leads us, under the
guidance of the Spirit of Truth, towards the whole Truth.
There are many people who preach
the word of God to the world; however, why people hunger for the truth and
The reason is that they do not
know the real truth and love. How can we find the real truth and love? What is
the truth and love that God told to us?
At the time of the First Coming, Jesus gave
the truth, the word of revelation from heaven, to his disciples (Jn 17:14-17),
and he showed the true love to the world (Jn 13:34). When Jesus left to prepare
a place for us, he promised that he will send another Counselor for us (Jn
14:16). The Counselor whom God will send in Jesus name is the spirit of truth
(Jn 14:17), so he will testify all things in the Bible that Jesus said
figuratively and will remind everything that Jesus said to us (Jn 14:26, Jn 16:25).
As God came to Jesus and preached the word at the time of the First Coming, the
spirit of truth comes to the promised pastor and tells the word of Jesus.
promised pastor who be with this Holy Spirit, speak and work with this
Counselor and testify the fulfillment and prophecies of Revelation and parables
about kingdom of heaven. The time that Counselor comes to the world is the time
that the Revelation is fulfilled. Today, here Shincheonji testifies the
prophecies and fulfillments of the Revelation and all secrets in the Bible that
no one can solve in the world, so it is the proof that the Counselor who Jesus
promised to us came to Shincheonji. Also, the promised pastor who is with the Counselor
is right in the Shincheonji, so Shincheonji is the place that the Holy Spirit
is with.
is the only one place that people can realize the truth in the Bible. People
who realize the real truth can execute the true love, a new command that Jesus
told to us. If you love Jesus, you should obey his teaching (Jn 14:23).
Therefore, anyone who believes and loves Jesus should find the pastor who works
with the Counselor. Then, they should follow the promised pastor, and they
should listen to the word of truth.
Come and Listen to the word of truth, here Shincheonji!! You can find the real truth and the true meaning of love that Jesus wanted to tell us. Let us be the one who keeps a new command that Jesus gave to us!!
Thanks for the article~!